CNN has hired a "Trump Lie Expert," because everything is terrible.
No offense to Daniel Dale. More people should hear what he has to say: Donald Trump is such a habitual liar that it's possible to categorize the "tells" that indicate a blatant lie is coming out of his mouth.
In particular, the "Sir Story" lie. If Trump says someone called him "Sir," it's a lie.
Then there's the "begging" lie. If Trump says someone "begged him" to do something, it's a lie.
And whenEVER Trump quotes a statistic, it's either pulled out of his butt or exaggerated. The latest:
But now we are also at the point where Trump's lies often consist of utterly incoherent statements. Daniel Dale can't make sense of where the NOUN is when Trump says he's going to do something about "it," and claims homelessness started two years ago.
(I can help there. Fox News started covering "California" with a b-roll of Skid Row two years ago, as a diss against the state that overwhelmingly voted against him. Since Trump sees the world only through the lens of Fox News, homelessness in California "started" two years ago.)