Devin Nunes Shamelessly Lies When Hannity Asks About Lev Parnas

Devin Nunes is a liar just like his cult leader Donald Trump, and it's past time for him to own that.

Yesterday Devin Nunes' world blew up. Any person with even a shred of decency would have immediately resigned after being exposed for openly participating in the extortion scheme his own committee was investigating, but this is Devin Nunes in all his craven, greedy, cynical glory.

Tuesday night, this happened on Sean Hannity's show:

HANNITY: Do you know this guy Les Parnas or whatever his name is?

NUNES: You know, it's possible, but I haven't gone through all my phone records. I don't really recall the name, you know. I remember the name now because he's been indicted. Why would CNN rely on somebody like this? I'll go back and check all my records but it seems very unlikely that I would be taking calls from random people. You know, like I said, we have a process, standard operating procedure.

So to refresh Devin's memory, CNN did not have to rely upon anything Parnas said because LO! There are actual phone records!

The guy Devin Nunes isn't sure about? That guy? The phone records show multiple contacts with Nunes on April 12. Here's a picture:


But wait, you say. Those are short calls, maybe he doesn't remember. Well, yeah, but you'd think an 8 and 1/2 minute call after that might be memorable enough that he'd know the guy's name, right?


Look at that, would ya? Here's the sequence, including some not pictured above.

  • Lev talks to Rudy at 5:07 PM for about 90 seconds.
  • Rudy calls Jay Sekulow at 5:17 PM and talks for nearly 8 minutes
  • Lev calls John Solomon at 5:24 PM for about 90 seconds.
  • Lev calls John Solomon at 5:26 PM for 28 seconds.
  • Lev calls Devin Nunes at 5:30 PM, they speak for 8 minutes, 34 seconds.
  • Lev calls John Solomon at 5:39 PM, for 53 seconds

At that point, good old Lev takes a break.

Sure, Devin. Tell us more lies about how you don't know who this guy is. Of course you do, because you're as much a part of this crime syndicate as Trump is.

It's just shameful. All of it. The lies, the way Fox News enables these thugs, the fact that Trump has turned the White House into a cheap and dirty hostel for mobsters and cheats, all of it.

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