Claire McCaskill Dubs Alan Dershowitz 'Mr. Underwear'

Former Senator Claire McCaskill was scathing in her criticism of Alan Dershowitz, his character, and his crackpot theories.

As Chief Justice Roberts entered the Senate chambers to begin today's impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, former Senator Claire McCaskill laid into Republicans for relying on Jeffrey Epstein pal "Mr. Underwear" Alan Dershowitz.

"We've talked about how Democrats are in the weird position of celebrating Bolton and Romney," she said. "What about this? How about a guy who is exposed for being part of the Epstein scandal who admits he was at the house where these massages were going on, sworn testimony that he was there when underage girls were there and he admits that 'Yeah, I was there and yeah, I had a massage but it was an adult woman and I kept my underwear on!'"

She went on to note that there was a time in our recent history where no Republican would look to a guy like that to save their bacon.

"Now Mr. Underwear is now spewing phony legal theories on the floor of the United States Senate," she said. "That's what these guys are going to hang their hat on? It's outrageous!"

#MrUnderwear is now on fire on Twitter.

Alan Dershowitz will forever be known as Mr. Underwear.

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