Rush Limbaugh's Medal Of Freedom Was His Final F*ck-You To America
Don't cry tears for this guy as he prepares to leave the earth. He's earned his place in hell.
If I were face to face with Rush Limbaugh right now, I'd throw a little verse from the Bible that he should know well in his face as he prepares himself for his journey to his final place in the universe: "As ye reap, so shall ye sow."
He'll know what I'm talking about, since he, his acolytes and his fixer friends tried hard to destroy my life back in 2012 after I joined some other activists in an effort to Flush Rush from the airwaves after he called Sandra Fluke a slut. I was doxed, my entire extended family was doxed, and I was harassed for two years after that. It was a miserable experience, one I wouldn't recommend to anyone. And here's the thing: I was a nobody who dared to stand up to an autocratic assh0le. No one was too small, too insignificant for that jerk and his goons to step on like a bug.
Tuesday night, the so-called President of this divided United States gave the highest civilian honor in the land to a man who has done nothing but defile this country with his hate and racism for the last 30 years, corrupting the minds of otherwise decent people with long commutes who had nothing better to do than listen to him tell them why they should be furious at what liberals have taken from them.
John Stoehr writes: "After watching last night two hours of Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech, the word “gothic” keep ringing in my ears. It wouldn’t stop. His address was a perversion of morality, an inversion of common sense and a glorification of pettiness and barbarism. Making it all the more gothic and horrible was the press corps pretending it was none of these things. Afterward, CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell said: “This was a speech unlike any other I have witnessed from President Donald Trump—the reality TV president took on the state of the union, a master showman at his best.”'
Limbaugh's tutelage, right down to the media applauding the "reality show" aspects.
There is no one who has been more divisive than Rush Limbaugh. No one. There are too many examples to cite. Daily examples. He taught Donald Trump how to name-call back in the days where such behavior was considered juvenile and offensive. Now it's "Presidential." Every day of his shitty little life, Rush Limbaugh raises his middle finger to the institutions of this country, spits on it, and grinds it in our eye.
Even now, as lung cancer eats away at him, he's busy chipping away at Fox News, because nothing says he's got religion like tearing down the institution he helped build for one even more evil, more dishonest and more destructive.
For the past 30 years, Limbaugh has been the de facto leader of the Republican party, normalizing racism and hate while raising up others to do the work he's just begun. So when he acted surprised that he was receiving the Medal of Freedom during the Great SOTU 2020 Giveaway, it was just another thing that has been forever defiled, rendered meaningless and without value, like everything Donald Trump touches. Trump is his greatest creation, the monster that Limbaugh dreamed about all his life as he was raking in the millions for fcking up the entire country with his propaganda.
Limbaugh is the voice of American autocracy, lying to his listening faithful in order to beckon them to act against their own interests, always for the benefit of the authoritarians and the greedy.
Trump's Oprah-style giveaway had to include a desecration of an American institution in Rush Limbaugh's name. It was his final fck-you to America. The monster Trump created is his instrument of destruction, but in the end none of it matters, because Rush Limbaugh will waste away and die, leaving a legacy of hatred and division for those mentored to carry on.