Trump Tries To Blame 'Illegal' Impeachment For His Lame, Ineffective Pandemic Response

Backing up Sen. McConnell's vacuous excuse to defend Trump's lack of seriousness about the coronavirus threat, Trump admitted that yeah, impeachment probably interfered. Or maybe not.

During today's presidential dog and pony show Trump said his impeachment was "illegal" but it may have affected the way he responded to the pandemic threat initially.

Responding to a reporter's question about Moscow Mitch's ridiculous excuses for Trump, he agreed with the reporter. "I guess it probably did."

Republicans do love their talking points and they do stick to them as if they're stuck in flypaper.

"I mean, I got impeached. I think I certainly devoted a little time to think about it," Trump said. He also continued to golf and hold many campaign rallies before deciding to take the virus seriously.

After calling impeachment a hoax, he went on a lengthy rant about how illegal it was for him to be impeached.

“They probably illegally impeached me, in the sense that if you look at the FBI today with what happened, the horrible — nobody cares about that anymore because all they’re thinking about is the virus," he ranted.

The only person that acted illegally was Trump and he was impeached for it. His minions like Rudy Giuliani and his shadow government Ukraine team were acting on Donald's orders.

As I've written earlier, his impeachment was over for five weeks and he still was calling COVID-19 a Democratic hoax.

And of course he praised himself.

“I think I’m getting A-pluses for the way I handled myself during the phony impeachment, okay? It was a hoax, but certainly I guess I thought of it, and I think I probably acted — I don’t think I would have done any better had I not been impeached," he backtracked, proving he just can't be honest about anything at all.

Impeachment had nothing to do with his denial that the virus was anything to worry about, that he should plan ahead, that he should have paid attention to the pandemic manual the previous administration left him, that there was a vital role for the federal government to play in the pandemic response, and that he is an utter failure as a human being and as a leader.

The best thing Trump could do is resign and let others handle this.

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