Trump Cracks Up On Twitter, Hammers On Fox News

With the country suffering under the infectious coronavirus, instead of carrying out the duties of a sitting US president, Trump went on Twitter to whine, bitch, complain, and lie.

With the country suffering under the infectious and deadly coronavirus, instead of carrying out the duties of a sitting U.S. president, Trump went on Twitter to whine, bitch, complain, and lie.

Is he cracking up?

He started out last night by lying to the American as usual about the coronavirus.

And then he set his sights on Fox News for some ungodly reason since they've been his right arm of state sponsored propaganda.

After going nuts on his favorite network, he turned his attention to his favorite target, the media. Hey, what's the diff between Noble, Nobel, and a Pulitzer, right?

Even he had to delete those.

America doesn't need a lying phony to lead the nation; it needs a steady hand at the wheel. What we have is a narcissistic imbecile who only thinks about himself and how the virus has impacted his re-election chances.

And people are dying because of it.

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