Fox Doc Debunks Tucker's Latest COVID19 Claim Live On Air

Carlson tried to promote the false premise that children under ten can't spread the coronavirus which is not true.

On Thursday night Fox News' Tucker Carlson tried to "break news" by claiming children under the age of ten do not spread the coronavirus.

Is that because their hands are so clean, Tucker? What the hell?

Carlson brought on his next guest, Fox fixture Dr. Mark Siegel, as the man to explain it all.

Dr. Siegel is one of those right-wing doctors Fox News uses. We've questioned his "medical opinions" many times on our website because often he speaks more like a right-wing political operative than a medical man.

But last night instead of trying to find common ground with Tucker Carlson, he immediately debunked his moronic claims.

Carlson opened up the segment and said, "And now to the latest science. There is new evidence that young children do not spread the coronavirus. Not what we thought.”

He then introduced Dr. Mark Siegel, who instead of engaging in the usual howdy doody banter jumped right into the science and studies and made Tucker look like a fool.

After discussing studies from the UK, China and the CDC on children, Dr. Siegel said, "But it is not true that children don’t get it and it is not true that they can’t spread it. Just much less likely than adults."

Tucker replied with a "Hmm."

Dr. Siegel, maybe in an effort to minimize the damage he had done to Tucker's asinine premise veered off into talking about Trump's "Operation Warp Speed". Carlson quickly ended the segment.

Tucker never recovered and just thanked Siegel for his input.


That was the shortest segment I've ever seen Dr. Siegel have on a Fox News program.

PS. Tucker was very specific about the "under ten" age. Is that because of twelve-year-old Juliette, who went into cardiac arrest while hospitalized with Coronavirus?

Thankfully, FOUR YEAR OLD Lincoln in Denver got well.

Stop the nonsense, Tucker.

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