Fox News Starts The 'Blame Dr. Fauci' Game For Trump's Immoral Handling Of COVID19

On Fox News it's all Dr. Fauci's fault that the US didn't prepare for the coronavirus or take it seriously in the beginning of the outbreak.

Fox News laid the groundwork on Friday evening's Tucker Carlson's White Power Hour to blame Dr. Fauci for all the wrongs the Trump administration has committed to dealing with the coronavirus since January.

Carlson brought on Dr. Makary from Johns Hopkins to smear Dr. Fauci and blame him for all the Trump administration shortcomings during this pandemic.

Remember, on Fox News It can never be Trump's fault for anything.

Tucker opened up by saying it was only natural to trust Fauci. Tucker is very upset that he and the CDC have helped form a lot of policies for the government in dealing with the virus outbreak. That's their job after all.

Dr. Makary is a lone wolf anti-testing professor, who made a fool out of himself previously on Fox when he said, "You know, I'm just of the opinion, Harris, that testing is not the silver bullet. I know it's a minority opinion." He joined to give his assessment of Dr. Fauci's performance thus far.

Makary said Dr. Fauci is a very nice man but in terms of preparing the country "he missed it." He then went on to blame Dr. Fauci for the Trump administration's ostrich stick your head in the sand response to COVID-19.

"[Dr. Fauci] never once prepared this country with anything beyond simple hygiene and basic buyout virology lessons," Dr. Makary groused, without mentioning how Trump downplayed the possibility of a pandemic.

This idiot makes believe he was in every briefing and meeting Donald Trump had with the CDC and our medical professionals to make put up a shield to protect Trump with which is a ridiculous and outrageous claim.

"He never once - did we hear let's get ready with more PPE, let's build up our stockpiles, let's stop nonessential travel -- let's build-up capacity with reagents and testing so that was a big mess,." he continued.

Tucker replied that Dr. Fauci seems at times serious but at other times "frivolous." Really?

Carlson then used a few selective statements that Fauci made this year to claim that he's been a disaster and is giving bad advice to Trump.

Tucker said, "We need some leadership when we put our entire faith in one doctor that is the problem."

Trump is supposed to be the leader of the nation and he took on that mantle when he hijacked Mike Pence's coronavirus task force so if we are short on leadership, Tucker should look no further than Donald Trump.

Makary called Fauci a very political man and a ruthless operator and claimed that Dr. Fauci didn't say enough or do enough.

He then used a Gov. Cuomo statement claiming there is no leadership (from Trump) in fighting this infectious virus, and he said he agreed.

"We need some leadership and I think when we put our entire faith into one doctor that's the problem," as if there was no person who outranked him.

The problem is that Donald Trump offers no leadership and instead only worries about how the virus affects his reelection.

And it was the Trump administration and not Dr. Fauci who turned down an offer to manufacture millions of N95 masks in America.

It's insane that on the question of leadership these knuckleheads never mentioned Donald Trump once.

Imagine if the White House didn't have testing how many would be infected right now, but sure, blame Dr. Fauci.

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