Fox News Reporters Blame Peaceful Protesters For Tear Gas Attacks

The right wing propaganda network remains just that.

Last night Fox News covered up Trump's incitement of violence, ordering the military and other law enforcement agencies to tear gas and disperse about a thousand protesters near the White House.

Trump wanted to hold up a Bible and use it as a prop for a photo-op in order to change the narrative after he cowered in his bunker over the weekend.

Fox News reporters, like the odious Griff Jenkins, blamed the peaceful protesters for not immediately clearing out so Trump could take his Walk of Shame.

On Tuesday's Fox and Friends, co-host Steve Doocy explained that he's been on the North Lawn when the President has come out and "they blow a whistle to clear the park" so that the President of the United States can safely exit.

Doocy said, "What's different about yesterday is there was a protest, I understand about a thousand people, but they used tear gas, and rubber bullets, and flash bangs to clear the park... and now there's a lot of criticism."

Doocy explained how the Democratic leadership condemned Trump's actions and called it a photo-up.

Jenkins, who is known for jumping out of bushes to accost immigrants crossing the border replied, "Well, that's a criticism he's receiving -- "

He then defended the actions because the DC police arrested a few dozen protesters on the previous two nights.

"So last night weren't going to tolerate it - they said clear this area and if you don't then we're going to move it, and they didn't waste any time," Jenkins said.

"So, there's criticism on the force that should have perhaps been used but when you're talking about the leader of the free world in the president of the United States -- you don't want to be in the way and disobey their efforts to clear this area. I understand this criticism coming but this is (as he pointed behind him) a very secure area right now it is locked down."

Trump can do anything at all according to Fox News. Trump was a hair away from ordering live ammo to be used.

How are 1000 people supposed to immediately clear Lafayette Square? If Trump had announced he was going to go to St. John's Church, he could have given enough time for the protesters to clear the area, if he didn't want to assault them that is.

Why was that justification (no matter what happened the night before) to violently assault those that were peacefully gathered outside the White House?

Trump's depravity is excruciating and is tearing this nation apart.

As Tom Sullivan writes, "What to make of a man so depraved he would order peaceful protesters cleared from Lafayette Park with flash-bangs, tear gas, and rubber bullets so he could stage a crude photo-op holding a Bible in front of a historic church? Even driving a priest and a seminarian from church grounds?"

Driftglass did a Photoshop which says it all.

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