Pat Robertson: Trump Should've Spoken Out About The Floyd Murder But Got Sidetracked By Space X

Wow! Pat Robertson wants a first-degree murder charge against the killer of George Floyd. And he wants worse than that.

On this morning's 700 Club, Pat Robertson said the officer that murdered George Floyd should be charged with first-degree murder and Trump should have spoken to the nation immediately to address this injustice.

After playing a video package about the events over the weekend, Robertson said, "It's time for the president to speak. He should a spoken on it earlier. I know he was so taken in enthralled by that Elon Musk Space X rocket...."

Both Trump and Pence were more interested in watching the Space X take off then offering leadership and comfort to a nation screaming out for justice.

"But [Trump's] got to say something to indicate that he is on board and believes in justice should be done against those police officers," Robertson said.

He continued, "That one cop should be charged with first-degree not third-degree, but first-degree murder. People involved were standing on the sidelines are accessories to murder they should be charged. They should be prosecuted and brought to the full extent of the law."

I didn't see this coming. I thought Robertson would immediately defend Trump's lack of leadership in this situation and join in on the bogus Antifa defense for Trump's cowardice.

Robertson said if Minnesota had acted on this more quickly, "maybe some of these riots may have been quelled."

After reading from Romans 8:37 he reiterated the need to swiftly mete out justice against those police officers that murdered George Floyd.

Then Robertson went full medieval and said, "My sentence to him would be to lock him up in a prison and let him go into the prison population and is mostly black people and let them deal with him in the appropriate manner."

He finished by saying "Wow."

Wow, indeed.

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