Andrea Mitchell And The Beltway Credulous Note Trump's 'New Tone'

The DC Beltway press has learned nothing from the 2016 election, and their failure allows racism from the Oval Office to thrive.

cred·u·lous /ˈkrejələs/ (adjective) having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.

And here we go again...

The mainstream media wants this election to be fair and balanced while Trump teargasses unarmed women and expresses well-wishes for a credibly accused sex trafficker. Andrea Mitchell caught up with her Twitter critics...


— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) July 22, 2020

Sorry Andrea, "huh???" won't cut it. Excusing Trump and the Republican Party in 2020 is literally enabling Trump's lawlessness, and if that doesn't move them, they and their networks are also PROMOTING racism. As I wrote in 2016, before Trump was even elected:

The beltway news media is terrified that the Republican Party will be forever tarnished by this Trump candidacy. Why? Because Trump-as-Republican busts open their "both sides" myth, that "both sides" of the political spectrum are equally bad, equally wrong and right, equally to be blamed for the "mess" in Washington.

Both-siderism protects the Beltway's need for an election horserace, as well as a "view from nowhere" in which the media is outside the race altogether and just an "observer" of "the process." But both-siderism picks a side: the side that is willing to lie repeatedly to win elections and policy points.

And suppress Black Lives Matter.

Donald Trump is actively working to expand and enshrine white nationalism in America. And Andrea Mitchell and ABC's 'The Note' and everyone at Fox, of course, are HELPING HIM with their bullshit "balanced" coverage.

Every single day should be about Black Lives Matter and why are more Black people dying of COVID than White people. And you still haven't asked him about Russian bounties on US soldiers' heads? Are you afraid he might get mad at you?

You. are. bad. at. your. job.

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