Lou Dobbs: 'The Deep State Extends, Obviously, To The Supreme Court'

Lou Dobbs can't admit that the judges Trump himself put on the court voted against him on taxes.

They are all "in on it" now to undermine Trump.

Even the Supreme Court.

On Thursday night, Lou Dobbs blew a fuse at the conservative stacked Supreme Court after they handed Trump two losses dealing with Trump's tax returns.

Thursday's decision on Trump's taxes (Trump v. Mazars) opens the door for the SDNY to investigate possible criminal activity in the so-called president's finances, before the 2020 election.

John Solomon, who was let go by The Hill for his unscrupulous Ukraine reporting that paved the way for Ukraine lies and madness (and essentially led to Trump getting impeached) was Dobbs's "expert guest."

Dobbs ranted about the underlying bureaucracies that he believes comprise the "deep state." Dobbs laid into the Supreme Court which QAnon would be proud of.

“Let's talk about the bureaucracy. The deep state extends, obviously, to the Supreme Court,” Dobbs said.

DOBBS: These decisions today on making available to the DA of Manhattan, Cy Vance, a left-winger in absolute coordination and orchestration with the radical Dems on Capitol Hill can proceed with a subpoena of the accounting firm for the president and get his tax records, and the Supreme Court ruling at the same time Congress cannot. I mean who in the hell do they think they’re kidding? They’re one and the same.

SOLOMON: They are some head-scratchers.

I am so sick of looking at this and nonsense and people saying, ‘Well, you know, what the hell, we’ll catch it next quarter, or we’ll do something maybe next year,'” Dobbs continued as his voice began to rise. “Who the hell is this Justice Department to say it takes this long to do a damn investigation? They have killed every investigation, killed every opportunity at getting to the truth, and we’re damn fools to put up with it, in my judgment.”

Who is going to break it to Lou Dobbs that Trump's own appointees, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, voted against him?

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