Louie Gohmert Is 'All In' On Hydroxychoroquine
Rep. Gohmert told Sean Hannity he's looking forward to taking the drug which is ineffective with regard to the coronavirus.
No one has done more interviews in the last 24 hours than Louie Gohmert. Since testing positive for Covid, Gohmert has done the radio and TV circuit to hype the idea that his mask gave him the virus, and more.
On Sean Hannity Wednesday night, Gohmert told Sean Hannity he was "all in" on hydroxychoroquine (HCQ), the unproven Covid wonder drug being hyped by the snake oil salesman-in-chief.
After cherry-picking the data to make it seem like HCQ works, he went on to babble about how he would try it.
Here's the thing: If it was some kind of miracle cure, Herman Cain and 150,000 others would still be with us today. The death toll proves it doesn't work. The FDA has revoked the emergency authorization to use it for coronavirus. Yet, he is persisting, assuming it's not just a bunch of talk with no action behind it.
But hey, if Louis Gohmert wants to own the libs with it, that's fine. It didn't work out so well for so many others, but he's welcome to try.
Good luck, Louie.