Right-Wing Drudge Report Skewers Donald Over Pandemic Lies
Matt Drudge flogged Trump after the so-called President was exposed lying to the people in audio tapes supplied by Bob Woodward.
Matt Drudge flailed Trump after the so-called President was exposed lying to the people in audio tapes supplied by Bob Woodward.
He has very publicly had enough of Donald Trump and it couldn't get more obvious than his front page on Wednesday.
While Fox News and most of their pundits made moronic excuses for Trump after he admitted to repeatedly lying to Americans about the Coronavirus which has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, millions of infections and an uncontrolled virus ravaging America, that was not the case for Matt Drudge.
With a picture of Woodward's new book called "Rage", Drudge used all red letter caps and wrote:
Claims Covid Cover-up
Gives 60 Minutes Bombshell Interview
The Tapes