Birx Tells Mike Pence She Wants Trump's Fox Doc Removed From COVID19 Task Force: Report

Dr. Deborah Birx finally had enough of the charlatan from Fox News and confronted VP Pence, who is the supposedly the leader of the Task Force.

The Washington Post is reporting there is much dissension within the COVID19 task force that Dr. Deborah Birx wants Mike Pence to get rid of the Tucker Carlson Fox News doctor for spreading disinformation to Trump

Dr. Birx had been one of Trump's favorites until she became heavily criticized for downplaying the coronavirus and now has been replaced as the face of the Task Force by faux Dr. Scott Atlas, a purveyor of right-wing fringe conspiracies and ideas on how to treat the virus.

As the White House coronavirus response coordinator, Deborah Birx is tasked with collecting and analyzing infection data and compiling charts detailing upticks and other trends. But Atlas routinely has challenged Birx’s analysis and those of other doctors, including Anthony S. Fauci, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield, and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn, with what the other doctors considered junk science, according to three senior administration officials

I've been documenting this quack Trump has taken under his wing. Dr. Atlas has been promoting right-wing fringe theories that "masks don't protect you," "we should slow down testing," "kids should go to school because they don't transmit the disease or get very sick," and that herd immunity is the key in defeating COVID-19."

Dr. Birx finally had enough of the charlatan and confronted VP Pence, who is the supposedly the leader of the Task Force.

Birx recently confronted the office of Vice President Pence, who chairs the task force, about the acrimony, according to two people familiar with the meeting. Birx, whose profile and influence has eroded considerably since Atlas’s arrival, told Pence’s office that she does not trust Atlas, does not believe he is giving Trump sound advice and wants him removed from the task force, the two people said.

As usual, Pence refuses to take a side so as not to offend Orange Julius, and instead, told them to bring data bolstering their perspectives to the task force and to work out their disagreements themselves, according to two senior administration officials.

Is it any wonder that the federal response to the coronavirus is in shambles?

Is it any wonder that the American people, having been lied to and misinformed from the outset of the pandemic, are now at a more severe risk of contracting this virus as the winter approaches?

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