Nikki Haley Uses Red Scare Tweet In Attempt To Be Relevant For 2024

Whipping up fears regarding socialism, Nikki? How pathetic.

Nikki Haley wrote an op-ed claiming that socialism "went mainstream in America" because of COVID, even after Republicans in office, lead by Trump, lied to the American people and destroyed the pandemic response.

How much more can Republicans increase the suffering of the American people?

Fox News is promoting her words as if Haley is Moses walking down from the mountain with tablets in hand.

This was the year socialism went mainstream. The dangerous ideology, which has failed everywhere it has been tried and ruined countless lives, is on its way to becoming the default economic policy of the Democratic Party. This terrifying trend threatens the future of every American.

Haley's words are as empty and unserious as Trump's telling Americans that the virus will just go away and to use ultraviolet lights and drink disinfectants as a cure.

We know that Donald Trump purposely knew the coronavirus was as infectious and deadly as it has become back in February when Bob Woodward exposed him as lying to the American people which led the disease to grow exponentially until now we have over 335,000 deaths and climbing.

Remember this lying performance by Trump?

Haley then makes the case that the entire Democratic Party are unabashed socialists trying to destroy freedoms and capitalism because the federal government under the Democratic Party is trying to help ease the suffering of the American people during Trump's failed response to the pandemic.

The left’s agenda is based on the belief that government knows best. That’s the essence of socialism and the opposite of American ideals.

Spending government funds to help the American people survive a pandemic is not saying government knows best.
It's telling the American people that we have your backs during a time of crisis.

In actuality what we found is that when you have an incompetent buffoon who cares only about his own self-interests running the country as president, aided by a GOP cult made up of conspiracy nuts, we found that the country as a whole suffers tremendous grief, sickness, and death and then screams socialism as a way to justify their craven actions and inaction.

What Democrats believe is that government can work better to help the American people as opposed to the fend for yourself and pick yourself up from your bootstraps approach of the free market corporate supporting con artists who make millions jilting the American people and grifting off their backs with tax cuts and austerity programs and Koch Brothers cash.

Nikki Haley is using the same failed playbook that all Republicans and Trump used during the midterms and then the 2020 presidential election by claiming if you vote for a Democratic politician you're a communist-socialist Hugo Chavez supporter who helped steal the election from Trump.

Haley is priming the pumps for her presidential run in 2024 and it will be the same rhetoric and lies the GOP relies on to hoodwink the public.

Go eff yourself.

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