Pat Robertson Plays The Jesus Card To Overthrow Joe Biden's Election

Pat Robertson is playing with holy fire here, and it's not going to end well for him.

The 700 Clubs' Pat Robertson played the Jesus card today and demanded that the Lord overturn the election in the name of Trump.

Robertson has been one of many useful idiots from the religious right who bowed down to Trump during his short-lived administration. On Monday, he claimed that the nonexistent voter fraud perpetrated against Trump "will not stand."

"We must declare that God almighty is not going to let this great nation of ours be taken over by fraud," Robertson intoned. "This is too important in the history of the world, and we as his servants must declare we are not going to let this happen, we are going to declare in the name of the lord that this fraud will be exposed."

Robertson then shared with his viewers that he knows about some secret option the Trump administration has to try and overthrow the election before the state electors certify the election results.

Robertson parroted Rudy Giuliani's ridiculous legal team who claimed the ghost of Hugo Chavez infiltrated Dominion voting systems and changed the election from Trump to Biden. Shockingly, the conspirators didn't change ballots for the rest of the Republican Congress.

"It sickens you and we have got to declare it, in the name of the lord, to say we declare in Jesus' name, this fraud will not stand and it will be exposed and that the lord himself will intervene before this country turns into something socialist," Robertson ranted.

I have no idea if Robertson was trying to imitate Gandalf from The Lord of The Rings when he yelled "you will not pass" but this is completely insane. What socialism does he want to give up first? Social Security? Medicare?

And when Biden is being sworn in will Robertson say the lord has forsaken them? This will not end well.

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