Larry Kudlow, Back At Fox, Doesn't Believe US In Economic Crisis

The worst economic advisor of any presidential administration now spins a QAnon type conspiracy theory about how Americans will spend their stimulus monies.

Larry Kudlow, the embarrassing Trump "economist" who told the nation that COVID19 was "contained" back in March of last year now claims he doesn't believe there is an economic crisis in America.

Kudlow was hired back by Fox to host a new show on their "business" network. He pimped his new show on America's Newsroom.

Kudlow began by attacking Biden's proposed $15 minimum wage by claiming Blacks and Hispanics will be hurt by it. He then moved on to admitting Mnuchin and his team have no idea WTF they did with the previous stimulus money.

"We don't even know how much money has been spent or not spent from the prior packages. That's the odd thing about this there is no accounting, I've seen no numbers...We don't know what's gone to the PPP, small businesses initiative. We don't know how much is out the door on the unemployment assistance. We don't know how much is gone to the states and localities," Kudlow said.

Hey Larry, do you know how much your WIFE spent with HER PPP LOAN?

Seriously, Larry.

Kudlow doesn't know much of anything, but he's certain more stimulus is not needed.

STFU!@# You a-hole.

These incompetent bozos don't even know where any of the money went and they still want to have a voice in what happens in the future.

True to form, Kudlow whined and lied: "We are still in a V-shaped recovery. The economy is very strong. And I read about this economic crisis. I don't believe it. And I can prove to you that it's not there."

And then to cement his bona-fides as a QAnon-inspired liar, Kudlow said he's fine with targeting monies, for his own wish list, but added this conspiracy theory to the mix.

"I'm not OK with spending stimulus checks, sending out and spending stimulus checks on one penny or two penny stocks, which is what's been happening with this incredible story of GameStop and some of these penny stocks. That's so silly."

"Giving out stimulus checks so people can buy penny stocks, not fine," Kudlow added. "Not good."

Hey Q-Anon HQ, here comes Larry.

The American people are suffering through the mishandling, mismanagement and lies from the Trump administration and from Kudlow, so they need help, and fast.

The Republican West Virginia Gov. just told Sen Manchin that the crisis is so dire, that it doesn't make sense to be "fiscally responsible at this point in time." He said stop looking at the price tag because people in states need help.

Everybody knows Trump only hired Larry because he was a Fox personality. And he hasn't changed a bit on this side of the Trump/Fox revolving door.

PS. Never forget that Kudlow called Covid-19 "contained" back in March of 2020.

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