Tucker Carlson Gaslights: 'There Is No Evidence Of QAnon'

Tucker characterized the EXISTENCE of QAnon as misinformation. How do the Qanon wackos feel about being erased?

Tucker Carlson continued his assault on reality and gaslighted his audience by claiming that believing "QAnon" even exists is the real conspiracy theory.

Carlson's opening segment was an assault on journalists' attempts (he singled out Brian Stelter from CNN) to weed out conspiracy theories and misinformation perpetrated by the fever swamps of conservatism.

Tucker claimed it's an assault on free speech in America.

Carlson said, " So it's worth finding out where the public is getting all this false information, this disinformation, as we will call it. So we checked. We spent all day trying to locate the famous QAnon, which in the end we learned is not even a website. If it's out there, we cannot find it."

Carlson and his crack team didn't look very hard. In fact I doubt they even used the Google.

I did a quick search a few minutes ago and Google gave me this: Gab Welcomes QAnon Across Its Platforms #WWG1WGA

But if he bothered to look at any video from a Trump rally, or right-wing protests, you'll see Q signs and symbols everywhere.

And if Carlson even paid attention to his own network, he'd see QAnon everywhere. "Fox News Host Brags That QAnon Has Uncovered A Lot Of Great 'Deep State' Stuff"

Jesse Watters said, "I guess this conspiracy deal on the internet, Twitter just basically cracked down," he said. "Do you think this is an attempt to kind of interfere in an election because you know, Q can do some crazy stuff with the pizza stuff and the Wayfair stuff but they also uncovered a lot of great stuff when it comes to Epstein and the deep state.”

Fox News did an entire article on QAnon.

And as C&L and many other news outlets have reported, QAnon started on boards like 4chan and 8chan led by ‘Q’, an anonymous poster who claims to be a Trump administration insider, which perpetrated the Pizzagate conspiracy that lead to Edgar Maddison Welch, a nut who went to the pizza place and shot it up.

Trump repeatedly praised QAnon for being against pedophiles and retweeted many of their insane ideas to his 80 million followers.

Carlson continued, "Then we checked Marjorie Taylor Greene's Twitter feed because we have heard she traffics in misinformation, CNN told us, but nothing there."

I mean, this is ludicrous. There's a whole lot more online evidence of QAnon than there is of Antifa, Tucker!

MTG promoted the horrific Alex Jones lie that 9*11 was an inside job. In 2018, she questioned whether the Parkland shooting that killed 17 people was a planned event and called Parkland survivor and activist David Hogg a "paid actor."

Marjorie Taylor Greene also claimed Sandy Hook was another false flag. But Tucker couldn't find anything on her.

Digby tweets, "This is just weird. What's he doing?"

Tucker continued, "Who is lying to America in ways that are certain to make us hate each other and certain to destroy our core institutions? Well, none of the above, actually. It wasn't Marjorie Taylor green. It was cable news. it was politicians talking on TV. They're the ones spreading disinformation to Americans. Maybe they are from QAnon. You be the judge."

Right is wrong, up is down, red is blue, gaslight and rewrite anything perceived to be a slight on conservatives. And don't forget to distract everyone from the fact that TRUMP's TAXES are in the hands of New York prosecutors, the end.

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