Why Does Tucker Carlson Hate General Honoré?

Carlson led off his White Power Hour with an extended rant against General Honoré, whom Nancy Pelosi has appointed to lead the investigation into the MAGA white supremacist sedition riot.

I'm not sure what made me laugh first: The image of Tucker Carlson with a chyron that had the words "piece of sh*t" under his mug, or the fact that he went out of his way to slam Joy Reid while grousing about General Honoré being Nancy Pelosi's pick to investigate the actions of Capitol Police on January 6th.

One thing is clear: He definitely chose to highlight his White Power Hour with a strong dose of hatred for folks who aren't white.

After referring to the General as "an authoritarian, an unhinged one," Carlson launched into a righteous rant, barely coming up for air.

First, he predicted that the General would reclassify someone (I'm not sure who) as domestic terrorists. Hey, if the shoe fits, shouldn't they wear it? On Wednesday, the 22-year old UCLA student idiot who flew out from California to the Capitol so he could desecrate the seat Mike Pence was occupying was arrested on charges of assaulting or resisting a police officer, violent entry and remaining on restricted grounds, civil disorder and obstructing an official proceeding. Christian Secor, a Costa Mesa resident, founded a hard right neoNazi organization on the campus of UCLA. I'd say he's certainly on the domestic terrorist spectrum.

Carlson then launched into a bizarre rant weighing the First Amendment against the Second Amendment, before returning to his attack on Honoré by suggesting he wasn't a fan of the First Amendment right after he quoted him supporting the First over the Second. Let me translate for anyone who is confused: General Honoré is Black.

"On Twitter he attacked this network and he told people to stop buying the -- we can't use it -- the profanity," Carlson whined. "'The crappy stocks of any company that advertises on Fox News.' Talks about the stock prices of advertisers."

"He retweeted posts of Parler -- we are quoting now -- 100% complicit in the January 6th riot. This is the guy," he told viewers, voice rising. "This is like putting Joy Reid in charge of security. This is insane."

Now what does Joy Reid have in common with General Honoré? What could it be, what could it be? OH, I KNOW. He's a Black guy.

And finally, he gets to the white people who have been so wronged by the good General. Lauren Boebert and Josh Hawley, which is where the chyron action gets fun. Maybe Tucker couldn't say those words, but the Fox News chyron people had no worries about putting them up for the viewers.

"General Honore believes that elected member of Congress, people like U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert shouldn't be allowed to fly on aircraft because of political views. 'Put her on a no fly list,'" he whined. "And he said something similar about Josh Hawley, from Missouri. This little piece of crap with the Yale law degree should be run out of D.C. And disbarred ASAP." Run out of D.C.? Really? What do you mean by that? Run out of D.C. And disbarred. This is crazy."

Tucker failed to note that the General was referring to Senator Hawley's seditious lie that there were grounds to contest an election which had been certified and buttoned up. So he made it sound random and capricious because his goal was to convey to his White Power Hour viewers how important it was to paint Honoré, a RETIRED general, as some kind of scary extremist.

After nattering with Hawley back and forth, Carlson wrapped up with this: "But this guy is running around calling himself 'general.'" he said. "Shouldn't we be concerned at this point? Leadership should be nonpartisan and not involved in the debates. Are we sure it still is?"

Oh, fall down the memory hole with me while we think of other RETIRED generals who have said things, in some cases, disgraced retired generals. In most cases, actually.

We have disgraced General Flynn, who likely not only sold the country out to Russia for a few bucks, he also engaged in the VERY SAME SEDITION as the Capitol rioters, riling them up and priming them for the "former guy" to call them to arms and invade the Capitol.

Then there is disgraced and convicted Not-a-General Oliver North, who mouths off with partisan impunity. He may not have been a general but he still abused his rank.

Oh yes, please tell us more about how generals are supposed to be nonpartisan, Tucker. Oh, wait. I forgot. None of those guys are Black generals.

(Article has been corrected to reflect that Oliver North was not a general)

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