Fox Will Never Stop Painting Biden As Too Senile To Hold Office

If anyone was under the impression that there is anything Joe Biden could say or do to stop the ageist right-wing attacks on him as being too senile to be president, think again.

If anyone was under the impression that there is anything Joe Biden could say or do to stop the right-wing attacks on him as being too senile to be president, think again.

Despite the fact that in most of the sane universe, his press conference that the media has been clamoring for was widely panned, not for Biden's performance, but for the line of questioning from the press, who latched onto the right's talking points on the border and failed to ask any questions of substance about the economy, COVID, vaccinations, Biden's plans for infrastructure or voting rights that are under assault, Fox and other wingnut outlets used the presser as an excuse to once again attack Biden's mental acuity.

These attacks have been going on since well before the election and they haven't gained traction in the rest of the media so far, but that won't stop Fox and the right from continuing to run segments like the one above, where the producers of Fox & Friends put together a super-cut of Biden at the press conference yesterday, edited to make him look like a stammering fool, with the hosts yucking it up afterwards and quoting The New York Post that called Biden "glazed and confused."

Remember this is the same network that licked Trump's boots for five or six years when the man could barely string a coherent sentence together.

Fox Business Network decided to get in on the action this morning as well, with Maria Bartiromo and her guests running the same line of attack against Biden. Guest Brian Brendberg called Biden an "empty vessel" for the left, attacked Biden for reading from his notes, and claimed Biden didn't appear to be someone who was "in command of the key issues moving this nation."

Trump famously refused to even read his daily briefings and had about as much "command" of issues facing Americans as your average toddler, but he "owned the libs" and "spoke their language," so no amount of complete incompetence on his part was ever something to be concerned about in Fox world.

If you're wondering why every other post from your wingnut relatives on Facebook is them carping about how Biden has no idea what's going on and Kamala Harris is really the secret shadow president, look no further than this garbage being regurgitated day in and day out on Fox.

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