NY Post Exposed As Opposition Research Arm Of GOP

Laura Italiano, a New York Post columnist, handed in her resignation after admitting to being forced to write an untrue article about Kamala Harris's children's book.

Laura Italiano, a New York Post columnist, handed in her resignation after admitting she was forced to write an untrue and negative article about Vice President Kamala Harris.

The article has since been scrubbed from the New York Post's website, but it originally stated that the VP's 2019 children's book was being handed out as gifts to migrant children in a new housing facility in Long Beach, California.

Fox News and the rest of the conservative media jumped on the story all weekend.

There was no actual investigation of the allegations in the Post article, just a picture of a single book, which Qonservatives used to fuel outrage among their supporters.

Once the Washington Post fact checkers asked the most basic of questions, we find out it was a single book that was donated out of hundreds.

"Long Beach city officials told The Washington Post that Harris’s book is not being handed out in welcome kits. A single copy of the book was donated during a citywide donation drive, officials said."

On Monday Fox & Friends admitted the story was a fraud but still made believe there were other "merits" to it so they could flog their immigration xenophobia.

As with the NY Post's unsuccessful attempt to create an "October surprise" for TraitorTrump and Rudy Giuliani over the fake Hunter Biden laptop story The NY Post, owned by the Murdoch's, decided to continue their assault on the truth by forcing Italiano to write this dribble. No credible news organization ran with either story. But Fox, Newsmax, and OANN did!

The only people convicted of voter fraud have been Republicans and the only "fake news:" outlets are Conservatives.

It's not that our readers didn't understand this already, but now outlets like the NY Post aren't even trying to hide their corruption.

This false "story" will persist in right-wing circles forever. That was the point.

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