Anti-Semitic Georgia Rep Troll Lies, Says Dems Are 21st Century Nazi Party

Hateful bigot troll Marge Greene never misses a chance to project her own extremism onto others.

Two disgraced Republican Congresspeople, Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene held a psycho rally in Dalton, Georgia yesterday where their right-wing extremism shined bright.

Thursday, Gaetz threatened all of Silicon Valley with an armed assault if they don't stop censoring racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, insane lies, and voter fraud conspiracy comments emanating from the QAnon GOP. In that same speech, he repeated the lie that the Second Amendment is in the Bill of Rights to allow citizens to rebel against the government.

Not to be outdone by Gaetz, Marge Greene claimed the Democratic Party is just like the Nazi socialist party.

"You know Nazis were the National Socialist Party. Just like the Democrats are now a national socialist party," she sneered.

She then smeared AOC and The Squad as Hitler acolytes.

This is coming from a QAnon lunatic who said Jewish Space lasers were causing wildfires in California.

When a supposed political party acts like fascist, authoritarian cretins in servitude to a traitorous former president, calling others what you actually are is their only bet. It's all projection, intended to deflect attention away from their own anti-American extremism while placing it on their opponents.

The QOP or the GQP or the QAnon GOP or whatever you want to call them -- The Republican base -- are made up of wingnut trolls and anti-democratic miscreants whose sole purpose is to own the libs with disgusting performative grievances.

Karoli adds: It's not enough for media to merely highlight their extremism. They need to call it out each and every time one of them pulls a stunt like this. They must be shunned and driven out of society, not tittered at on Twitter.

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