'Tuckums' Carlson Gets Creepy On Barack Obama

Tucker Carlson owes it to his audience to divulge whether HE has had the Covid-19 vaccine. We are pretty sure he has.

Fox News' Tucker Carlson and his White Power Hour has turned himself into an anti-vax pro COVID death merchant trying to instigate mass hysteria against vaccinations.

We're pretty sure Tucker and all Fox News employees are vaccinated.

Back in 2020, Carlson promoted anti-mask/anti-vaccine nut Dr. Scott Atlas, who has no virology training, to promote herd immunity instead of wearing masks. That led to Atlas becoming TraitorTrump's top COVID task force spokesperson.

Lately, Tucker's been promoting Alex Berensen, another anti-VAXer shill, to wage war against Dr. Fauci.

On Monday night's show, Carlson ranted against Covid vaccines, and went so far as to attack the very popular former president Barack Obama.

Obama made a PSA hoping to get young adults and children vaccinated, especially since new variants are now infecting those much younger. It was too much to handle for Tuckums. (Thanks Joy)

"Barack Obama just released this creepy little video," he snarked.

There's nothing creepy about it at all, just a typical PSA.

After playing the video, Carlson guffawed and said, "Some creepy old guy telling your children, your little kids to take medicine whose effects we do not fully understand."

Carlson's real mission outside of being the #1 white nationalist spokesman, is to act like a QAnon conspiracy troll to fearmonger for people who have vaccine hesitancy and turn it into a nasty reactionary protest.

Carlson's attack on Dr. Fauci and now science has made him the #1 COVID death merchant as well.

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