Rick Santorum Runs Crying To Fox After Being Fired From CNN
Are you surprised?
Rick Santorum was finally booted off CNN after making racist comments about Native Americans.
That was just the last of many offensive and outright lies he's made through the years on the airwaves of CNN.
But as is their want, any conservative that loses their job for being either anti-Semitic, racist, homophobic, or a serial liar, they immediately run to Fox News to air their grievances and to blame cancel culture. It's the RACISM that got you fired, Rick. Not "cancel culture."
Santorum had his Festivus day on Hannity last night.
Santorum told Hannity that CNN had every right to fire him. "If they don't like what I'm saying or what I'm doing," he said.
Santorum continued, "It shows the left is intolerant."
Yes, members of the Democratic Party and center-left are intolerant of racist, lying jerk-offs.
Sue me.
"The intolerance of the left and the cancel culture flowing from it, and I hear from a lot of liberals (really?) and CNN contributors were very concerned about cancel culture," he said.
All any contributor has to do is not be a race-bating, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, white nationalistic, serial lying douche-bag to keep their job.
Gaslighting your audience? Perfectly fine.
(From 2017)
(From 2018)
(From 2019)
The end.