It only took a few hundred offensive statements for CNN to finally make the decision to cut Rick "Frothy" Santorum loose from his contract as the voice of the religious right wing nut jobs. Huffington Post reports that the straw that broke the camels back were his incredibly nasty comments about Native Americans last month. During a speech at the Young America's Foundation, Santorum said there was "nothing" in America "before white colonizers arrived " and stated - shockingly - that Native American people have not contributed anything of value to American culture.
His direct quote was:
Are. You. Kidding. Me???
The backlash was fast and furious with immediate calls for his removal from all future CNN shows. The National Congress of American Indians and Illuminative have been laser focused on getting Santorum fired. Other prominent national civil rights groups have also called for his firing.
CNN finally confirmed on Saturday that they "quietly ended" their contract this week. He had been off the air since the comments came to light, but this is the first confirmation that Santorum officially cancelled himself.
An anonymous executive told Huffington Post:
Immediately after the abhorrent comments came to light, Santorum went on Chris Cuomo's 9pm show to try to do damage control, to no avail. He tried to smooth it over, saying he "misspoke" and that his comments were being taken "out of context" but he did not go so far as to apologize.
Twitter celebrated Santorum cancelling himself:
Bye, Rick. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, you smug, racist, hateful POS. You will most definitely not be missed. But I am sure FOX or OAN or Newsmax will be happy to welcome you.