San Francisco Racist Hounds Black Delivery Man

Racism is alive and well in San Francisco. This white snowflake threatened to call the police on a Black man doing his job delivering packages.

Racism is alive and well in San Francisco. A mask-wearing white man confronted a Black deliveryman and demanded to know what he was doing in the neighborhood.

Pacific Heights happens to be a highfalutin white section of San Fransisco.

Sound familiar?

"Why do you think that I have to identify myself?" the deliveryman, whose has not been identified, asks the racist.

"Who are you with? Who are those addressed to?" the racist asks the deliveryman.

"It's none of your business," the deliveryman replies. "Every time I come around here, motherf—s like you make my job harder."

Mind you, the racist said he was (and had) called the police multiple times in this 7-minute exchange, which is the equivalent to threatening a Black man with death. Then the racist asked him to stop "harassing" him and to leave. The deliveryman astutely points out that if he did, and the racist HAD called the police, would have meant the deliveryman was "leaving the scene of a crime." Turns out, upon being asked multiple times by the delivery person, the racist had NOT called the police. So it was an empty threat, meant to instill fear into this man who was just doing his job, and for daring to call out this racist for what he was, and for interfering in his work.

Three cheers for the delivery man who did not hold back his disgust of this racist a-hole.

I wonder if this was one of Jason Chaffetz's buddies?

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