Cancún Cruz Gloats And Giggles About Texas Dems Getting COVID

Harris Faulkner strokes Ted Cruz's pathetic ego, and kills irony dead by saying: in Texas, 'we don't cut and run.'

With a straight face, Sen. Ted Cruz joined Fox News today and attacked Texas Democrats for refusing to give a quorum to Republicans to ram through their extreme and immoral voting rights bill.

Not too long ago, Sen. Cruz caused a major outrage with Republicans and Democrats alike when Texas' power grid froze during a major storm. Instead of helping his constituents, Cruz boarded a plane to Cancún with his family to wait out the Texas freeze, leaving Texans in the lurch.

Before introducing Cruz, host Harris Faulkner highlighted an op-ed from the right-wing Washington Examiner, as if that's a credible media outlet. The Examiner actually called Texas' voting rights bill "a benign piece of voting rights legislation."

Sure thing.

Faulkner then introduced Cancún Cruz by saying, "This is your home state of Texas. You have seen what I know, with my relatives, in Texas we don't do. We don't cut and run."

Irony alert, Will Robinson.

A smirking Ted Cruz said, "Karma is a remarkable thing, and this episode really embodies all that's wrong with the modern Democratic party."

Cruz thinks it's karma that the Dems had a few breakthrough COVID cases by not wearing masks on the plane. Meanwhile, it's his party that has been bashing mask-wearing and railing against the vaccine, hosting super-spreaders galore. True karma is the GOP is killing off its own voters, hastening the much needed extinguishing of its own party.

And hypocrisy? That's Cruz personified.

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