Abbott And DeSantis Are Locked In A COVID Death Match

Florida and Texas lead the way with new COVID cases, but their governors only care about 'owning the libs.'

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his state lead the way with per capita hospitalizations, breaking their previous record with reported 10,200 people hospitalized with Covid cases.

Meanwhile in Texas, "State and local leaders are reacting after Governor Greg Abbott's recent executive order says city and county governments cannot require masks. The order is getting pushback as Austin-Travis county is on the brink of entering Stage 5 of coronavirus guidelines."

“You know, what's happening with COVID right now in our community is pretty darn scary,” Austin Mayor Steve Adler said.

Right behind him was Miami Beach Mayor Gelber who said, "DeSantis is like the pied piper, just leading everybody off the cliff right now."

What do these two states have in common?

Both governors routinely suck up to traitor Trump and his cult of deadbeats and COVID deniers. These two governors have hamstrung any effort for local communities to take evasive action against COVID and its Delta variant.

To me it looks like Abbott and DeSantis are locked in a death match to see which state has the most COVID cases, deaths and hospitalizations.

Infecting Americans with COVID appears to be the new GOP party platform. As Adam Serwer says, the cruelty is the point.

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