Kayleigh McEnany Tells The Biggest Lie Of The Year
When Trump was president, "we didn't see crisis after crisis," McEnany said with a straight face.
The former White House Press Secretary for Trump, who quickly garnered a worse reputation than even Sarah Huckabee Sanders, had the audacity to claim on Fox News that the Trump administration was completely stable and crisis-free.
Propping up lies about Afghanistan, Fox News Prime Time guest host Jesse Watters proclaimed that Biden was a disaster and "none of it" needed to happen.
Of course we could stay in Afghanistan another 20 years, is the option they're suggesting.
Kayleigh McEnany jumped in and did her fascist best.
"When President Trump was president, we didn't see crisis after crisis. You just didn't see it," McEnany said with a straight face.
What world was she living in? Maybe she was on earth C-149. Only Rick Sanchez knows for sure.
First off she admitted Trump lost the election. But besides that, this already is the Lie of the Year!
Give this girl an Emmy.
Trump's entire stint in the White House was crisis after crisis, whether he proclaimed his love for Neo-Nazis or calling dead soldiers suckers and losers, but she was there towards the end of his despicable tenure. And nobody could have created more 'crisis' than Trump trying to handle a pandemic.
COVID19 went as horribly as you could imagine. With 628K Americans dead now, Trump couldn't have handled it any worse because of his narcissistic need for self-promotion and his fears for losing the 2020 election. Kayleigh was brought on to lie, obfuscate and mislead the American people at every turn. She did so with relish.
Trump was so awful that he stopped daily press briefings in 2019.
After Trump told Americans to maybe try injecting disinfectant into their bodies and maybe use UV light as a treatment for COVID, Trump canceled her daily press briefings entirely.
On April 25, 2020 Trump tweeted: “What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately,” he wrote. “They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!”
The only fake news was everything coming out of Trump's mouth.
I'll tell you what it would've been like if Biden was in charge during the raise of COVID. We would have a competent person that understood the complexities and the dangers caused by a pandemic and would never have lied to the American people to start with. We also would have had a pandemic response team in place from day one. Instead, Trump disbanded that team because "Obama."
Fox News and their minions attack President Biden and the Democrats relentlessly and without merit most of the time throughout every show...
...but Kayleigh has earned a special seat in hell for that whopper.