Mike's Blog Round Up
Links to Great Liberal Blogs!
The weekend is here! Why not go back to sleep for a couple more hours? We'll wait for you.
The "Franklin" School: Mark Levin, self-appointed conservative smart guy, beclowns himself but good. Again. Hint: It's the Frankfurt School, you freaking ignoramus. Shysters, Gunz & Moolah expose the total buffoon. Der Schaden Freudes itself.
rubber hose forwards a Tweeted plea from a Floridian asking us to "listen to what we have to deal with in Florida". We see a "magnetic" school board ranter/raver who asks "Is this something normal?" I'd say no, but look & decide. At the very least this poor woman has too much time on her hands.
It's Saturday, so a long one on journalism from How To Live BULLSHIT-FREE.
Natural History Dep't.: Zandar notes that the nation's parasites & leeches (Scientific Name: Landlords.) are again conspiring to suck every ounce of blood from renter's paychecks.
Cat Bonuses: Two serious-looking Southern American felines, one in Alabama, & one in Louisiana.
M. Bouffant put this in order. Submit suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com.