Rep. Mark Green Wants Biden 'Taken Out'

Rep. Mark Green's remarks should be investigated as a death threat.

Tragedy struck today in Afghanistan as two ISIS suicide bombers killed at least 12 US soldiers.

I thought Trump defeated ISIS in March of 2019?

“We just took over you know you kept hearing it was 90%, 92%, the caliphate in Syria, now it’s 100%, we just took over 100% caliphate, that means the area of the land we’re just have 100% so that’s good,” Trump said.

War is no joke and we grieve for the losses suffered today.

Enter Rep. Mark Green from Tennessee, who told Fox News that these bombings should negate the August 31 deadline and wants to "start killing bad guys."

Fox News host Sandra Smith turned the tragedy political and bashed President Biden for sticking to the August 31st deadline at this point. A deadline that was negotiated by Trump initially and extended by Biden.

As usual a Republican politician is calling for Biden to resign so they can even the scales for Traitor Trump's two impeachments.

Rep. Green was nominated by the serial liar to be the Secretary of the Army, but was pulled after saying, "If you polled the psychiatrists, they're going to tell you that transgender is a disease."

So of course he wants to see Biden out.

"The best thing for America would be for Joe Biden to resign or for the cabinet to step up and take him out," Green said.

Take him out? Assassinate him? Invoke the 25th amendment?

Green purposefully was unclear to allude to some possible violent act. Rep. Green's remarks should be investigated as a death threat.

Then Rep. Green pretended he was angry, accusing Biden of lying and claimimg we can't have a liar as president.
Trump, who couldn't go an hour without lying to the press, to social media or to himself, was Green's hero.

Now suddenly Green hates liars.

We all hate you, Rep. Green.

Hopefully the Secret Service will be knocking at your door.

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