Acosta Shreds FOX For Their Constant, Pervasive Lies And Hypocrisy

FOX's lies about COVID and the September 18th Justice for January 6th rally are eviscerated in this Jim Acosta clip.

Jim Acosta continues to have the best weekend news show around and this clip is a great example. He calls out FOX's continued lies and fear mongering. Lies about COVID. Lies about the Insurrection. Lies about the September 18th rally.

It starts off with a Tuckems clip talking about, of all things, Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend's alleged swollen testicles following receiving the COVID vaccine in Trinidad, and her allegations that Twitter silenced her feed (which was actually not true). Then Tuckems talked all about why people should not be forced to take a dangerous vaccine (FOX mandates it for employees.)

Acosta described Tuckems perfectly: "Such a sad sack." Acosta then pointed out the abject hypocrisy of Fox's pushing people to stay unvaccinated when about 90% of their own employees are vaccinated themselves — per requirement!

Then he talked about "The Big Lie" and how so many on the right continue to push it, segueing into a segment about the pathetic Justice For January 6th rally that was held on Saturday, September 18th — even though The Former Guy put out a statement supporting the protestors, saying "our hearts and minds are with them." No, Jim said. "My heart and mind is not with them."

In the end, only 400-500 people showed up in total. It is unclear how many were reporters and lookie-loos. It is quite possible that the real number of protestors was only a few dozen. Marjorie "3 names" Greene, Madison "tree puncher" Cawthorn, and Matt "I swear, she told me she was 18" Gaetz didn't even show up. Heil Hawley didn't make an appearance to fist bump his way through the crowd. And most notably, The Former Guy didn't waste his time schlepping to DC to talk to his people.

Jim ended with a great contrast in DC on Saturday. Dump trucks lining the streets in front of the Capitol and the incredibly sad view of over 600,000 white flags on the mall to represent all the lives lost in America due to COVID.

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