Michael Flynn Is Insane: Says Vaccine Is In Salad Dressing

Michael Flynn's Latest Crazy: Deep State Spiking Your Salad Dressing With COVID Vaccine.

At one time in his career, Michael Flynn was a well-thought-of military man until he become so unhinged under President Obama that he had to be fired.

So of course, Trump brought him on as a surrogate and hired him as his NSA.

That didn't last long as he was immediately fired for "lying to Mike Pence." That's what Trump said anyway.

In reality, he was caught colluding with a hostile foreign government. During the Russiagate special counsel investigation, he was then convicted of two felonies for lying to the FBI.

Unfortunately, Flynn, the convicted liar, was pardoned by the treasonous ex-president. He became an advocate for QAnon and all their conspiracies.

After Trump lost the 2020 election, Flynn repeatedly called for martial law so the military could overthrow the free and fair election of President Biden. Flynn gave speeches to this effect to any wingnut outfit that paid him.

In his world, nothing has changed at all.

Discussing his normal lunacy with other nut jobs, Flynn said, "Somebody sent me a thing this morning where they're talking about putting the vaccine in salad dressing."

"Have you seen this?"

"Yes," yelled a cohort.

"I mean it's — and I'm thinking to myself, this is the Bizarro World, right? This is definitely the Bizarro World," Flynn said.

Flynn continued, "These people are seriously thinking about how to impose their will on us in our society, and it has to stop."

In Flynn's mind the deep state is working with Newman's Own, Hidden Valley, Wishbone, Kraft, and every other salad dressing company to spike their products with Covid vaccine behind our backs.

Okay, sure. This alone should have Flynn committed.

In reality, this is what QAnon, the anti-vax community, and Flynn are misinforming their peeps about.

Studying the possibility of producing edible vaccines.

Researchers are trying to figure out a way how to inoculate you against Covid without using a needle.

Researchers at the University of California-Riverside are working on a way to grow edible plants that carry the same medication as an mRNA vaccine.

The UC-Riverside team says if they’re successful, the public could eat plant-based mRNA vaccines — which could also survive at room temperature.

Trying to develop better ways to administer vaccines is now a plot to take away your freedoms.

Got it.

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