Twitter Tells Jake Tapper: Both Sides Don't
Jake Tapper tries to blame Joe Biden for "scolding" anti-vaxxers.
Jake Tapper tried to play devil's advocate, maybe? On CNN's New Day Friday, he sure did go full "both sides do it."
Tapper went on to note that lefties believed in quack peach-pit cancer treatments in the '70s. And that the ironclad rule of the beltway is you never actually blame members of the voting public for being dumbasses: "I don't think scolding is the approach. There are these purveyors of misinformation out there and they're not just on the right...instead of shaming the liars and trying to educate the people being lied to, he [Biden] is scolding the people being lied to. And, again, as with the election lie, you can get mad at the people who believe the lies, but the villains are the liars."
Except, Jake, when those "believing the lie" then physically attack vaccine clinics, cough on the uninfected, and violently disrupt air travel.
Jake goes on with Something something Robert F. Kennedy Jr. But elected officials in the Democratic Party do not PANDER to the anti-vaxx crowd, Jake. Note that even Trump won't disagree with the covidiots who have chosen to be brainwashed by Laura Ingraham. Both sides are NOT the same, Jake, even though saying that apparently violates CNN policy.
Polls show those behaving responsibly are more than ready for some Presidential scolding --and consequences-- for those who insist on extending and expanding the pandemic.
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