Trump Gives The Insurrection His Blessing

Babbitt should have complied. She was a casualty of the insane ideology of QAnon and Trump.

Ashli Babbitt breached the US Capitol on January 6 with other insurrectionists, making herself a target. She was eventually shot and killed by law enforcement when she refused to comply during the commission of a crime.

On Sunday, Traitor Trump recorded a video message to her family that aired in Freeport, Texas, where family and friends of Babbitt commemorated what would have been her 36th birthday.

Trump said, "Her memory will live on in our hearts for all time."

"There was no reason Ashli should have lost her life that day. We must all demand justice for Ashli and her family," Trump said.

There is one certain move Trump will always make, and that is to highlight and promote any meme concocted from the fever swamps of QAnon and white supremacists.

In July Trump held a presser and praised Babbitt on OANN.

Rep. Paul Gosar was front and center with his love of Ashli.

To deflect from their heinous acts of insurrection and treason, extreme right-wing networks OANN and Newsmax praised Babbitt as some sort of a martyr.

Hence the former president, who tried to overthrow a free and fair election and eventually incited the illegal riot which Ashli Babbit participated in, pretended she was a heroine.

John Wagner writes, "Babbitt was among a mob of Trump supporters who used a flagpole, a helmet and other items to batter the barricaded doors to the Speaker’s Lobby, the hallway outside the House Chamber where some lawmakers were sheltering on the afternoon of Jan. 6. A Capitol Police officer shot Babbitt as she was trying to climb through a broken glass panel in one of the doors, hitting her in the shoulder. She later died."

If you watched the video before she was shot, crazed rioters were angry and violent. The rage was typified when one seditious lunatic was punching out the glass windows of the door outside the House Chamber with his bare fists. Babbit wore a backpack into the Capitol Building. Law enforcement was right to stop her. She might have been carrying explosives or other weapons.

Making Babbitt a hero to the violent militia movement and Neo-Nazis that make up the MAGA base does nothing but encourage more sedition.

Ashli Babbitt was a casualty, not from the fatal shot, but of the insane ideology of QAnon and Trump.

UPDATE: Read the latest from Aaron Rupar on how he signaled his approval for January 6th and future repeats

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