Fox News Has Not Responded To Mark Meadows Messaging Fiasco

Privately, Fox News hosts tried to get Trump via Mark Meadows to help stop the insurrection, but live on-air they downplayed it to the max.

It was an absolute bombshell last night.

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6 insurrection released some of Mark Meadows messages from several Fox News hosts, as well Donald Trump Junior.

Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade, and Laura Ingraham all contacted Mark Meadows in an effort to get Trump to stop the insurrection at the US Capitol.

'Mark, the President needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy." Laura Ingraham wrote.

"Please, get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished.' Brian Kilmeade texted. 'Can he make a statement, ask people to leave the Capitol' Sean Hannity urged.

As the violence continued, one of the President's sons texted Mr. Meadows 'He's got to condemn this shit asap. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough.' Donald Trump Jr. texted. Meadows responded 'I'm pushing it hard. I agree.'

As you can see, they freaked out about what they saw what MAGA cultists were doing to our pillar of democracy.

And what have we heard from Fox News so far?



Sean Hannity even had Mark Meadows on television last night after the major story broke.

Most people tuning in wanted to hear an explanation at least since Meadows is at the epicenter, but they never addressed the elephant in the room.

Instead, Hannity previewed Meadows by describing the investigation as a sham.

Sean later attacked Liz Cheney for working for the enemy. Meadows said it was highly politicized because everybody hates Trump.

As the interview closed, Hannity demanded to know why Congress isn't investigating a BLM protest from the summer.

Laura Ingraham ignored it on her evening show last night as well. She knew what was happening that fateful day and instead blamed Antifa.

And this morning Fox and Friends never mentioned it. Brian Kilmeade must be suffering from some form of amnesia.

Fox News is obviously in deep discussions with their PR people trying to come up with a spin that's half believable to their viewers.

I imagine they will do a Dinesh D'Souza deal, where even though he was found guilty, he blamed Obama for singling him out.

Republicans a very good at making specious analogies and ridiculous comparisons to justify immoral and illegal actions.

Get ready for more of the same.

Fox News knows more about what happened on January 6 than anyone else in the media, since they were in constant contact with Trump's Chief of Staff.

They lied about it on air -- repeatedly that day and every day since. They think their own viewers are stupid and easily brainwashed.

Fox News needs to lose its broadcasting license over this disrespect of its viewers.

UPDATE: Dawn breaks during daytime coverage.

Wow, Fox News mentioned it without comment about their hosts and instead played Meadows defending Trump.

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