Greg Kelly Launches Despicable False Attack On VP Kamala Harris

The Newsmax creed: When there is nothing to rationally discuss, make sh*t up.

Opinion talk show buffoon and Trump sycophant Newsmax host Greg Kelly claims he has "high-level sources" inside the Biden administration that tell him VP Harris has a substance abuse problem.

Someone must have seen her drink a glass of wine at a dinner.

Republican scumbags like Kelly are out of things to attack Biden and Harris with so they just pull them out of thin air. Since the "Bluetooth attack" was already taken by Politico hacks, Kelly had to make sh*t up.

Delighting in the Politico articles that hammer Harris over her treatment of staffers and earbuds, Kelly went into the great beyond.

“Well, I don’t mean to make light, because substance abuse is a real thing, and if she does have a problem — and I have heard through high-level sources that she might have a problem. And if she does, I hope she gets help,” Kelly said.

Please, the only high-level sources Kelly has close to Biden were the two turkeys, Peanut Butter and Jelly that were pardoned on Thanksgiving by President Biden.

Kelly then made up another story from whole cloth. It goes like this: Biden wants a new Vice President and she may not make it through a full term.

Seamus Bruner, another wingnut nutjob said since Harris didn't do well in the Democratic primaries, she's not wanted.

So wingnut conspiracists say we have a mentally diminished president who doesn't run the country and a stoned out Vice President. Is it all projection?

In all right-wing media these days, you don't need any real news on actual events, information,
interviews and the like.

All they need is a good imagination, then say what you like with no ramifications whatsoever.

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