Hot Mic Fool Crookie: Larry Kudlow

It's never a great idea to spew expletives over a hot mic, but it's especially bad when the target is Kamala Harris.

Larry Kudlow is always wrong, but sometimes he's wrong and caught cursing out the first female Vice President of the United States, which is particularly wrong. And the thing he was wrong about in February 2021 is the thing the right wingers are still wrong about.

Here is [VP Harris'] full quote: "There was no national strategy or plan for vaccinations, we were leaving it to the states and local leaders to try and figure it out. In many ways, we're starting from scratch on something that's been raging for almost an entire year."

And she is right. The Trump administration made it clear they weren't going to coordinate the vaccine distribution or develop any national plan for getting the shots in the arms of those who need them. Instead, they left that to individual states. That was by design. If there was a plan, the only plan was to not help states actually get their people vaccinated, which is no plan at all.

But that didn't stop Kudlow from snarling, "Bullshit! Bullshit! BULLSHIT!" on a hot mic, giving him yet another opportunity (or opportunities) to be wrong.

Since February, vaccines were delivered to all 50 states along with booster shots, and 65 percent of adults in the U.S. are vaccinated. The only reason that percentage is not higher is because right wingers decided they'd rather die than give Biden any credit for success.

For calling Joe Manchin a genius (also wrong) and yelling at VP Harris, Larry Kudlow gets the Hot Mic Fool Crookie for 2021.

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