Fox Host: Mask Mandates Are ‘Child Abuse’ That Have ‘Shamed’ Smiles

“Pro-life” Fox & Friends spewed COVID disinformation that promotes illness, death and pandemic spread among kids – without a peep of complaint about the vax mandate they work under at Fox.

Besides Fox’s vax mandate, Fox hosts are also working remotely. You can tell from the video that none of the three cohosts of Saturday’s Fox & Friends were in the same studio.

But they’d rather see kids die than enjoy the same protections they have.

Cohost Will Cain started by sneering, “Wait until you get a load of what is going on across this country when it comes to COVID!” His first "horror" was a school district in Virginia that wants students to be suspended if they don’t comply with the mask mandate.

But the place where children have borne “the brunt of our COVID insanity” the most is California, according to Cain, because a Democratic lawmaker has a proposal to allow children 12 and older to get the COVID vaccine without their parents’ consent or knowledge. Then Cain lied for the sake of scaring viewers and goosing Rachel Campos-Duffy into a tirade: “Rachel, this would allow, I don’t know, the state, the teacher, the teachers’ union, politicians to dictate the medicine that children will take.”

Um, no it allows young adults to decide for themselves, without being dictated to by anyone.

But Campos-Duffy was more down with disinformation and propaganda than the truth.

“Yeah. it's totally outrageous,” Campos-Duffy agreed. Then she claimed that “young boys are more likely to get myocarditis” than die of COVID (apparently from a study deemed “deeply flawed”) and that “many women are reporting” and “have been shamed” for reporting that their menstrual cycles have been altered by the vaccine. She forgot to mention that those changes were very minor and temporary.

Campos-Duffy also forgot to mention any side effects from her own vaccinations.

But the woman who gushed over the March for Life for at least three Fox segments on Friday, now acted as though life-saving measures are the worst thing ever for those not still in the uterus. And suddenly, Campos-Duffy didn’t think adults should be in charge of kids any more.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: [T]here is a lot of social pressure, especially in woke school districts for kids to wear the mask, even though they don't want to, other woke students will shame them as well. We are living in a time that I think we're going to be held accountable for. These children's lives, their childhoods have been destroyed and disrupted.

They’ve been -- had their smiles shamed. they have had their graduations and their, you know, proms canceled. We have allowed adults, who should know better, to use our children to advance their ideology, to advance their political agenda, to line the pockets of their political donors. This is a really dark period. I mean, we are not out of it. But I tell you we are going to be held accountable as a culture for what we have done to children in the last two years. It’s shameful and it doesn't border on child abuse. It is cultural child abuse what we have done. … [T]his is going to be remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic, moral crime.

Cohost Joey Jones added school-board terrorizing to the propaganda.

JONES: I'm glad the citizens of Virginia spoke up to make Glenn Youngkin governor. But it might be time for the legislature to step up, too. If the school boards start doing things behind parents' backs against their wills, God help ‘em. I don't think the Americans are going to stand by for that. I don't think they are ready for the backlash that will come. I'm not saying violence or anything, I'm saying people are going to speak up, they’re gonna vote and get rid of these people and that's probably what they need to do. If you think for one second there aren't kids all in these schools undiagnosed with autism and other types of things that are hard for them to communicate and hard for them to understand, what wearing the mask truly means much les stay calm while they’re doing it, we are torturing them and putting them trauma and putting them outside to eat lunch in the cold. This is child abuse.

Cain added, “If the children are not our line in the sand, we don’t have one.”

“We are not afraid to talk here, thank God,” Jones continued. “I think there will be many opportunities for accountability. Hopefully, many people out there are ready to say ‘enough.’ We can only hope.”

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