Fox News Claims 'Apocalyptic Hellscape' Upon Us Because Of Democrats

Fox News is running an opposition research campaign to create the illusion that Satan has risen.

Fox News spent a lot of time today on screaming that the entire country is a lawless wasteland that is signaling the beginning of the apocalypse all because of Democratic leaders.

No mention of a worldwide pandemic.

"The decay of once great cities nearly unrecognizable," John Roberts chimed.

"Quality-of-life going downhill fast...Major cities keep pushing policies -- going soft on crime," he said.

Roberts continued setting up the carnage: "We're going to get a look at the reality on the ground in places like Los Angeles. Just take a look at these images...Filth covering the ground as far as you can see.. Officials say these trains are being robbed like the wild West."


Don't leave your house.

Barricade your doors.

Satan is crawling out from the La Brea tar pits.

Hell hounds are eating babies.

Fox News is running an opposition research campaign for the 2022 midterms against the Democratic party to create the illusion that Satan has risen.

This segment is so insane it looks like it came from the QAnon conspiracy theorists who claim the Pope has already been murdered and Governor Gavin Newsom is a clone.

Earlier today, Fox News' Steve Doocy used the murder of a young woman to get her grieving father to attack the Democratic party.

It's sick. It's shameless.

"Fox" needs to have the "News" taken out of their title.

It's right-wing propaganda to its core. There is no "news."

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