Hannity: Why Aren't They Subpoenaing Pelosi's Text Messages?

WAAAH? Apparently, according to SEAN, Speaker Pelosi was trying to help Trump overthrow the 2020 election. We guess.

Did you know Speaker Pelosi was a main speaker at Trump's 'Save America' speech, that sent crazed Trump supporters to the US Capitol on January 6?

Did you know Speaker Pelosi was texting with Peter Navarro trying to get VP Mike Pence to refuse to count the electoral votes so Biden would not become the 46th president?

Neither did anybody else. Because it DIDN'T HAPPEN.

To shift media scrutiny away from himself and Jim Jordan, (Jordan who is now refusing to cooperate with Select House committee investigating the insurrection). Whiney Baby Hannity is "demanding" to see the Speaker's text messages on January 6.

So I guess Hannity is sitting on the committee? It's upside-down world on Fox as usual.

Hannity is throwing up a smokescreen cooked up by Fox execs. Our colleague Heather pointed out that Republicans throughout right-wing media have had this same talking point for several days now. Kevin McCarthy blurted about it over the weekend, Mark Levin went on some unhinged rant about it Sunday as well.

In a whiney voice Hannity said, "I want to know, where is the subpoena for Nancy Pelosi?"

Hannity then lied and said that Pelosi rejected 20,000 national guardsmen authorized by Trump.

The Fox host called them "Trump Troops."

Michael Luciano explains, "There is no evidence indicating then-President Trump authorized 20,000 troops for that day, despite his claim to the contrary last year. In those remarks, Trump said he authorized 10,000 troops for Jan. 6, 2021. (Somehow, this figure has now become 20,000, according to this evolving narrative.)"

Jim Jordan then ranted about the Capitol Police and Sergent-At-Arms refusing to cooperate with the Select committee, never mentioning that he and Hannity are the ones refusing to cooperate with the committee.

It's also hilarious. Republicans refuse to honor any subpoena by Congress they don't approve of, or which may shed light on Trump's criminality.

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