PROJECTION: Kayleigh McEnany Complains About AOC's 'Juvenile Tweeting'

Did Kayleigh have some sort of mental breakdown?

Trump's former press secretary attacked AOC, claiming she tweeted juvenile and middle school type behaviors not fitting a U.S. Congresswomen.

I was startled momentarily.

Did I witness Kayleigh McEnany suffering from a bout of confusion about her former boss and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, live on TV?

Fox News vehemently attacked AOC all day Monday because she trolled Republicans on Twitter for criticizing her visit to Miami for New Year's.

On Tuesday's Outnumbered, Kayleigh gave her thoughts on the issue, where apparently her mental issues surfaced..

"[AOC], You're a sitting United States Congresswoman in the United States House of Representatives," McEnany scolded. "You represent nearly 700,000 people. You are the titular head of the left, an important and powerful wing of the Democratic Party."

She continued, "And you are engaging in juvenile behavior, saying Republicans are 'mad they cannot date me, AOC.' Come on now, tweet something fitting of your position in the United States Congress. Not this juvenile behavior that I think a middle school would engage in. Not again a sitting Congressman."

The Fox host replied, "Amen," without a hint of irony.

Whether Kayleigh had a massive memory loss or she suffered some sort of breakdown, I don't know, but an ambulance should have been called to treat her immediately.

That type of projection and outright lying is a sickness we are seeing pop up all the time from Republicans since 2016, and it's gotten worse since COVID arrived..

Trump routinely tweeted juvenile, crass, and vile attacks against anyone who disagreed with him. Even Gold Star families like Khizr Khan. Trump was finally suspended by Twitter for continually promoting baseless and fraudulent voter fraud conspiracy theories. He still sends baseless, juvenile attacks to Twitter via his unsuspended spokesperson, Liz Harrington.

Trump retweeted white supremacists and used racist jargon on a daily basis, too.

Fox News sure pays well for their employees to suffer this type of mental memory loss.

I'm waiting for the DSM-5 to add this new illness.

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