Republicans Using Russian Invasion Of Ukraine To Attack The Gay Community

There's a full on assault against gay rights by the fever swamps of extremist Republicans.

There are nice people, bad people, crazy people, unhinged people, lying people, good people, honest people in this country and then there are sick people.

Republican talkers like Ben Shapiro are using Vladimir Putin's outrageous attack on Ukraine to put a bullseye on the gay community.

Russia and China are focused on expanding their spheres of influence via aggressive action. The West is focused on expanding its national debt and exploding the gender binary. Whatever advantages we have on an objective level are wildly undermined by our narcissistic idiocy.

Using wingnut faux culture wars and the claim of "reverse racism against whites" has become a club to beat the LGBTQ community over the head.

Steve Bannon and Erik Prince on the other QAnon playground of Real America's Voice also blamed gays and wokeism and praised Putin for his vengeance against them.

Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to beat them into the ground.

What day are we living in?
What year are we living in?
What decade are we living in?
What century are we living in?

Republican scumbags are leading a Spanish Inquisition-like assault on gay-rights using Russia's invasion of Ukraine as it's launch pad.

It's a coordinated attack on all media platforms, and to me, it appears to be only the beginning.

Of all people, David Frum zeroed in on what's really happening here:

And this:

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