Campos-Duffy Wonders If Europeans Might Be ‘Missing Trump’

Trump-loving Nigel Farage ridiculously claimed Campos-Duffy had asked “a good question.”

World approval of U.S. leadership under Biden is soaring but Fox & Friends host Rachel Campos-Duffy and English Trumper (and TFG’s racist soulmate) Nigel Farage pretended that everyday Europeans may well be missing the guy who wanted to withdraw from NATO and who slobbered over Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy.”

But first, Farage called President Joe Biden “an embarrassment to your country” because of a gaffe. As if Trump wasn’t an ignorant, compulsive liar and possible traitor.

“Let’s be frank, you know?” Farage rasped, sounding like a man who has smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for 40+ years. “This man is an embarrassment to your country, and if he's the leader of the free world, we're all in trouble.”

Campos-Duffy, possibly the dullest tool in the Fox News shed, “asked,” “Nigel, are the Europeans missing Trump?”

Farage laughed his raspy laugh, before claiming, “That’s a good question.” Then because he knows darned well they aren’t, he said, “I can assure you there are many people like me in Brexit Britain that are missing Mr. Trump.” Right, “many people.” Like hundreds? Because with Putin invading one European country and menacing others, I suspect that Putin fanboy Trump is the last person Europeans want as the head of the U.S.

But Farage and Campos-Duffy acted as if Trump nostalgia is a thing. “I think the European leaders were contemptuous of him about not buying Russian gas,” Farage said. “Now they know he was right about the need for them to spend the right amount of money on NATO forces and not rely on the American taxpayer.”

“I think if he was president right now,” Farage continued, “there’d be a certain coolness in the room, but believe you me, on those two massive issues, Trump was 100% right.”

“Sure was,” Campos-Duffy agreed.

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