Don (Trump) Quixote Blames Windmills For Ukraine Invasion

Whenever the former guy discusses energy issues he always comes back to windmills killing birds.

Always appearing at the top of the media "get" list, Donald Trump joined the Nelk Boys Full Send Podcast on Wednesday (really).

We assume mainstream outlets are concerned about airing Trump interviews these days for fear of being sued for actual malice or defamation.

And then, the magic happened.

Discussing Russia and Ukraine, Trump suddenly transformed into Don Quixote and began ranting about windmills.

Trump said he spoke to Putin about Ukraine, but nobody knows what Donald Trump said to Vladimir Putin, EVER, since he has refused to release any of the transcripts of his interactions with the Russian president.

"[Putin] definitely wanted Ukraine. Loved Ukraine. Would never have happened,” Trump said.

Co-host Kyle Forgeard asked how this would all end up. "How do you see it unfolding?" he asked.

Trump said, "Well, and I said this a long time ago, if this happens, we are playing right into their hands. Green energy. The windmills, they don't work, they're too expensive, they kill all the birds, they ruin your landscapes, and yet, the environmentalists love the windmills."

Wait, Putin hates windmills so he bombed Ukraine?

I see, it's s the environmentalists' fault that Russia invaded Ukraine, because they like windmills too. Gotcha.

"I've been preaching this for years, the windmill, and I had them way down, the windmills are the most expensive energy you can have and they don't work, " he said.

Trumps' obsession with windmills is something that even embarrassed Sean Hannity.

Trump also claimed in 2019 that the noise from wind farms can cause cancer.

“And they say the noise causes cancer, you tell me that one, okay? ” Trump then imitated a whirring sound, "The thing makes a .... And of course it's like a graveyard for birds. if you love birds you'd never want to walk under a windmill."

Yes, this is another episode of Traitor Trump's "windmills are killing birds" spiel.

How embarrassing.

Here's the full interview:

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