Abbott Gets A Pass From Bartiromo For Border Stunt Costing Billions
Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott was allowed plenty of time to rail against the Biden administration's border policies, but was given a pass by Fox's Maria Bartiromo for the stunt he pulled costing Americans almost $9 billion in just 10 days.
Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott was allowed plenty of time to rail against the Biden administration's border policies, but was given a pass by Fox's Maria Bartiromo for the stunt he pulled costing Americans almost $9 billion in just 10 days.
Fox has been lavishing praise on Abbott's other stupid stunt at taxpayers' expense, where he bused migrants to Washington D.C. who already wanted to go there in order to supposedly force the Biden administration to pay attention to the "crisis" at our southern border that they're ranting and raving about 24/7 on the right-wing propaganda network.
On this weekend's Sunday Morning Futures, Bartiromo helped Abbott fearmonger over a recent tweet by Trump's former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley over the number of migrants entering the United States, as though we can't absorb them when we've got a worker shortage and stagnant population growth in the United States.
BARTIROMO: This is extraordinary. Nikki Haley tweeted out a graphic of the actual number of people coming across and it's exceeding major cities, some states in terms of the amount of people coming in illegally. You have taken matters into your own hands. Tell me how it's going and specifically what you're doing?
Here's the graphic I'm referring to in terms of the illegal migrants led and under Biden it is exceeding the population of Miami, Atlanta, Seattle, San Francisco, Austin, it's absolutely extraordinary. How are these bus trips going? You dropping the migrants off in Washington and you're getting blow-back. What are they doing when they're getting to Washington?
After defending his political stunt, saying the migrants were overwhelming small communities in Texas and claiming that the Border Patrol was no longer sending migrants there since they started sending migrants to DC (although I'm not sure how that could be true when they've sent a whole ten buses to DC so far according to the right-wing rag, The Washington Examiner), Abbott solicited donations from the public to help pay for his stunt.
ABBOTT: And I will tell you, as soon as I announced that, our phones started ringing off the hook about people wanting to help, and I wanted tell Americans where you can go to help pay for a bus trip for migrants to go to Washington DC and make the Biden administration deal with it in person. Go to, that's You can contribute to us busing those migrants to Washington DC and make the Biden administration deal with it themselves.
I'd like to know what they're doing with the mailing list obtained from those donations. What's the likelihood it's being shared with the Texas GOP? We won't hold our breath waiting for Fox to mention either his fiasco with the power outages, or the fiasco with the truckers stalled for days at the border. They're not too fond of mentioning anything if it doesn't help the Republicans' prospects in November.