Knives Come Out For Madison Cawthorn: 'He's A Bad Person!'

Leaked audio from a recent complaint by one of Cawthorn's former staffers paints him as a liar and all-around rotten person.

In a leaked recording from the American Muckrakers PAC, Lisa Wiggins, a former caseworker and campaign aide to Rep. Madison Cawthorn explains in detail what a horrible human being the right-wing media hog is.

Apparently she claims there are more liquor bottles than water bottles in his Hendersonville office.

That may explain a lot of Cawthorn's behavior.

Citing rules from the US Department of Labor, Wiggins said she was "denied leave when her uncle passed away and her husband had a heart attack during the same week."

What a guy.

“As far as the candidate himself, I mean, he’s just a bad person. He’s a habitual liar and he’s going to say and do anything he can to your face but behind your back he’s completely opposite,” she said. “There’s some good stories I have – a lot of good stories.”

Madison is facing a lot of challenges to his seat now when he made a failed attempt to relocate to an even more conservative district. Between Republicans angry about him spilling the beans about "coke-filled orgies" and the rest of us who are decent people just wanting a sexual harassing, lying narcissist out of the spotlight, the oppo research is flowing like a river.

You can listen to the entire phone call here via the Fire Madison Cawthorn website.

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