Laura Ingraham And Lauren Boebert Stoke LGBTQIA+ Hate For Fun And Power

In an effort to promote pedophile and gender swapping conspiracies against the Democratic Party, Fox News' Laura Ingraham and QAnon Mom Rep. Lauren Boebert claimed Democrats are mutilating young boys and girls.

In an effort to promote pedophile and gender swapping conspiracies against the Democratic Party, Fox News' Laura Ingraham and QAnon Mom Rep. Lauren Boebert claimed Democrats are mutilating young boys and girls.

This is as sick and twisted as can be.

The two serial liars were bashing Xavier Becerra, the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services for refusing to co-sign their use of children as political tools by Boebert.

On Friday night, Rep. Boebert launched into an unspeakably horrific rant that is as disgusting as it is insane..

"Laura, this isn't pleasant,but we need to know if our tax dollars are going to remove the breasts of young girls. If our tax dollars are going to remove the genitalia of young boys!" Boebert said.

These are children and my message to the Biden regime is get out of our lives, get out of our homes, these are our children!" she preached.

Ingraham knows good and well what they are promoting are despicable lies. So she responded to the outrage they are causing.

"Well, they call this conspiracy, you know what they're saying in response?" Ingraham said. "They are saying you, and others, probably myself, that we're spouting conspiracy theories because we're actually quoting these people on twitter..."

"Like the Hunter Biden laptop was a conspiracy," she snarked.

Somehow Hunter Biden's laptop -- the one that Rudy Giuliani produced with absolutely zero chain of custody -- proves to Ingraham that taking Pizzagate and amplifying it a hundredfold is perfectly fine.

Boebert weighed in.

"Any time they don't like the facts that are coming out they call it a conspiracy," Boebert complained.

"We're called names, we're called conspiracy theorists. We’re called racists. We’re called bigots just for not going along with their agenda. They even turn on their own whenever they aren’t falling in line with their agenda," Boebert complained.

This is as disgusting and unhinged a segment that I've seen in awhile. And that's saying something.

Republicans are now accusing Democrats and the Biden administration are purposefully mutilating your children to enrich pharmaceutical companies and pushing some sort of pedophile agenda is stomach-churning.

Go to hell.

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