Tom Cotton Insinuates Judge Jackson Would Defend Nazis

Cotton single-handedly debased the entire nomination process.

Sen. Cotton, a Harvard-trained lawyer, went after reputation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on the Senate floor in the most appalling way that has ever been seen in a nomination process.

Sen. Cotton said, "You know the last Judge Jackson left the Supreme Court to go to Nuremberg and prosecute a case against the Nazis."

"This judge might've gone there to defend them," Cotton sneered.

I have never heard a congressional lawmaker make the case that a United States Judge would have gone into private practice and defended the Nazis after WWII for war crimes, claiming they did nothing wrong.

Cotton spoke for over thirteen minutes, and it was thirteen minutes of calling Judge Jackson a pro-child porn advocate, soft on pedophiles, who pals around with terrorists.

Lawyer seeking a higher office are never judged on the cases they take in private practice nor the people they defend. That has changed. it's still sacrosanct unless you're a Black female Judge being nominated by a Democratic president to sit on a high court.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn came close to debasing the entire process by claiming Jones Jackson couldn't even tell the difference between a man or a woman.

Josh Hawley has a lot to answer for for clanging the bell of pedophilia against Judge Jackson, but Tom Cotton took the cake.

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